keepings low beams on with high beams

Posted by: burtonsyncro

keepings low beams on with high beams - 04/25/09 04:56 PM

alright i have the spyder projectors and a bi-xenon harness.

I have the low beams from the harness plugged in, as with the ground, but the high beam wire from the harness is just sitting aside.

I have the halogens hooked up to high beams.

How do i get my hids to stay on(lows) when i switch to highs? I know this can be done...
The lows shut off because when i switch to the highs the lows get no power... so they shut off. Clear and simple. Do i need to plug in the hid harness high beam wire in with the halogens? frustrated...
Posted by: r.s.hutchinson

Re: keepings low beams on with high beams - 04/25/09 05:02 PM

You need to use relays because if you don't you'll either have both lights on or both lights off.
Posted by: NovaSS369

Re: keepings low beams on with high beams - 04/25/09 11:39 PM

that's gonna be some super bright light. i would hate to be the person coming towards you haha
Posted by: Dre da GP man

Re: keepings low beams on with high beams - 04/27/09 07:36 PM

Don't do that, I hate when people have they high beams on.
Posted by: r.s.hutchinson

Re: keepings low beams on with high beams - 04/27/09 07:50 PM

Why are you all saying no?

It's not as if he is going to drive around the city with his high and low beams on all the time.

I live in the country and the more light you can throw at night the better. Obviously when there are on coming vehicles you turn off your highbeams.
Posted by: ChrisGT

Re: keepings low beams on with high beams - 04/27/09 07:57 PM

Ya but with HID's why do you need both on at the same time?
Posted by: r.s.hutchinson

Re: keepings low beams on with high beams - 04/27/09 08:06 PM

Originally posted by r.s.hutchinson:
I live in the country and the more light you can throw at night the better.
Posted by: notladstyle

Re: keepings low beams on with high beams - 04/27/09 08:44 PM

Good luck, they will overheat and have extremely short lifespan if you run them both at the same time.

not to mention, that's like 100watts of power to each capsul which will definitely have an adverse affect on heat output. You will have to rewire the harness to come straight from the battery and they will still overheat.
Posted by: r.s.hutchinson

Re: keepings low beams on with high beams - 04/27/09 08:45 PM

The bulbs won't overheat.

The wiring harness would need to be upgraded as you're now passing twice the voltage through it, though.