Sleep Paralysis

Posted by: GTPCompG

Sleep Paralysis - 01/02/10 03:26 AM

First if no one knows what sleep paralysis is this guy on this youtube video explains it good at 1:30 into the video:

I've had this kinda stuff happening to me a lot more recently but it has been going on since late high school. I will be asleep (either at my apartment or at home) and I will be partially awake, can only move my eyes (rest of body is paralyzed). You try to scream but nothing comes out and I remember it and can tell it was not a dream. When this thing that is coming towards me goes away I wake up and can move again. The first time I had this was at my house in Iowa and I tried to explain to my parents but it was really hard. So I kinda held off, then i mentioned it awhile back and they thought it was just a bad dream. However now it is happening a lot more frequently and I am sometimes scared to fall asleep because of this. Does anyone else have anything like this or know of anything else on the subject? I just typed in some of my symptoms and came up with this sleep paralysis stuff...
Posted by: BoostenGTP

Re: Sleep Paralysis - 01/02/10 04:24 AM

Dude thats some scary stuff right there. Ive had experiences like that before and i know what its like. It sucks. I havent had anything like that happen in a good 3 years or so now.
Posted by: TexasGP

Re: Sleep Paralysis - 01/02/10 07:28 PM

You need to call a Sleep Study Center in your area. They may be able to help you or at least point you in the right direction on whom to speak with about the matter. If it is happening more and more, I would try to get answers as soon as you could.
Posted by: UMfan

Re: Sleep Paralysis - 01/04/10 07:24 AM

Yeah I agree about the sleep study. Contact your doc and get a sleep study scheduled. My local hospital has a sleep lab but I guess not every one does.

I went to the sleep lab twice in October and it was really weird. But I was diagnosed with sleep apnea which doesn't sound as scary as your paralysis, but it is kind of scary when I saw the chart that I stopped breathing 55 times in one hour!

I wouldn't mess around with sleep disorders. Maybe the doc will tell you that it's not a big deal, but it's worth checking out. My sleep disorder would kill me if I hadn't discovered it.
Posted by: zuulmusic

Re: Sleep Paralysis - 01/06/10 08:29 PM

Happened to me twice. I wake up laying there, not breathing and can't move. But its over in a few seconds, but it felt like I was holding my breath forever. Its been a while though. As long as you're aware "it" is happening when it happens, don't let it frighten you much.
Posted by: Dthreap

Re: Sleep Paralysis - 01/08/10 11:53 PM

I've had something similar happen to me during the summer. I had just turned the tv off and had just fallen asleep when my phone vibrated and woke me up. When I went to grab it I saw a face on the phone ( my phone was locked so it wasn't a picture) and than I felt my whole bed sink down and an immense pressure on my chest and all I could do was lay there and stare at the ceiling.

So I think I've gone through what you have.
Posted by: GTPCompG

Re: Sleep Paralysis - 01/09/10 02:16 AM

Ya it isn't fun stuff. I'm aware of everything in room and that its going on but its the most frightening thing I've ever gone threw.