
Posted by: GTPCompG

H1N1 - 10/17/09 12:26 PM

Does anyone else here happen to have H1N1? I've had it now for a few days now and have just gotten the strength to get up and get around to doing stuff. I have to say though mine must be a mild case because having strep throat (to me) is worse then this.

I always wash my hands after leaving rest rooms, before i eat and carry hand sanitizer around that I use a lot, and I still somehow ended up getting it and I keep my apartment very well sanitized too. I must have gotten it at my college where im surrounded by a lot of people. I hope none of you guys get it.

I do wonder though what are signs that I need to go to the hospital when having swine flu?
Posted by: 01GTshaner

Re: H1N1 - 10/17/09 12:51 PM

This is hyped up beyond belief. Its genetic code is the slightest difference from the "normal" flu and just attacks elderly people with weak immune systems therefore killing them. I haven't had the flu NOR a flu shot in a number of years but im contemplating getting the h1n1 shot, but knowing my luck I'll get the damn thing.

Sorry to hear about you having it, i've had some harsh winters sick all the time and its not a fun experience.
Posted by: GTPCompG

Re: H1N1 - 10/17/09 12:53 PM

I've been experiencing really weird temperature drops and rises. It seems to change quite regularly and its really weird. One moment I can feel fine, the other im coughing and having aches and chills. Overall I've been way tired lately because of this.
Posted by: Dre da GP man

Re: H1N1 - 10/17/09 01:19 PM

That really sucks,alot of people in my area getting the H1N1 virus. I hope you feel better soon.

I seen the news where the cheerleader from the redskins had the h1n1 shot and it gave her a bone desease where when she walks, she shakes so bad. Its been all over the news here and I dont thinnk im getting that shot. I really dont get sick too much be I do get my regular flu shots for 5 years now.
Posted by: GTPCompG

Re: H1N1 - 10/17/09 03:35 PM

I'm getting better, it was just a mild case.. i really thk it was just flu.
Posted by: ordonez1307

Re: H1N1 - 10/17/09 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Dre da GP man:

I seen the news where the cheerleader from the redskins had the h1n1 shot and it gave her a bone desease where when she walks, she shakes so bad. Its been all over the news here and I dont thinnk im getting that shot. I really dont get sick too much be I do get my regular flu shots for 5 years now.
No, it was the flu shot, not the swine flu shot.
Posted by: tazfootball2

Re: H1N1 - 10/17/09 04:37 PM

I believe this is the girl:

And to the OP, why did you say that you had H1N1 and then ask what are the symptoms, and weren't actually tested for 'H1N1'? I'm j/w, because the post just made no sense to me...
Posted by: HercMan(Rob)

Re: H1N1 - 10/17/09 05:16 PM

If you have flu like symptoms stay home. If at anytime your fever gets over 102 or you have difficulty breathing then go to the emergency room. Otherwise get lots of rest and lots of fluids.
Posted by: Igor

Re: H1N1 - 10/17/09 11:54 PM

Originally posted by GrandPrixGTAlpine:
Does anyone else here happen to have H1N1? I've had it now for a few days now and have just gotten the strength to get up and get around to doing stuff. I have to say though mine must be a mild case because having strep throat (to me) is worse then this.

I always wash my hands after leaving rest rooms, before i eat and carry hand sanitizer around that I use a lot, and I still somehow ended up getting it and I keep my apartment very well sanitized too. I must have gotten it at my college where im surrounded by a lot of people. I hope none of you guys get it.

I do wonder though what are signs that I need to go to the hospital when having swine flu?
My work building put in lots of sanitizer and wipes in all the bathrooms and break rooms, and we get emails about swine flu and precautions. What they dont realize is that the flu is spread through the air mainly and that sanitizing will make people more suceptible to germs and bacteria through eliminating the good bacteria on your hands.
Posted by: UMfan

Re: H1N1 - 10/18/09 12:37 AM

Originally posted by 01GTshaner:
This is hyped up beyond belief. Its genetic code is the slightest difference from the "normal" flu and just attacks elderly people with weak immune systems therefore killing them. I haven't had the flu NOR a flu shot in a number of years but im contemplating getting the h1n1 shot, but knowing my luck I'll get the damn thing.

Sorry to hear about you having it, i've had some harsh winters sick all the time and its not a fun experience.
Not entirely true. It is hyped a lot, but the reason it's hyped is because it is hitting YOUNGER people more than normal flu. With H1N1, the highest risk groups are pregnant women and people in their late 20s...the kind of people who normally are LEAST likely to get sick.

We're going to get the H1N1 shots when they come out because my wife is pregnant and we have a 2 year old daughter...which puts my entire family in the high risk group.

I think overall H1N1 is overhyped and I am worried about the vaccine's effectiveness a bit...but I'd rather take a chance with the vaccine than risk losing my wife and unborn child.
Posted by: palsut

Re: H1N1 - 10/18/09 12:40 AM

My business brought many hand sanitizer and wipes to ALL people in desk. My guess it was like 80 people. EACH person get that. Wow, pretty cool from my work company. They really want everyone get better instead sick. It was start like 3 weeks ago. If you cough then use hand sanitizer. If you sneeze then use hand sanitizer. Every Friday, wipe off the keyboard, mouse and desk table to clean the germ off.

Also, new rule on bathroom.

1. Wash your hand WITH soap and say "Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to dear Patrick. Happy Birthday to you".

2. Dry your hand from paper towel. Take to your paper towel to door handle.

3. Throw the paper towel AFTER you open the door.

I just like lol.... Everyone still doing the new rule. I do too.

I feel bad for redskins cheerleader. She is same as my age. I never got flu shot. My business will offer free flu shot probably in end of October but I have fear of needle. lol... My boss always tell me be brave and take a shot this year because I need it. Now, I have perfect case to show my boss about Redskins cheerleader and decide pass that flu shot. I didn't take flu shot last year and got 0 sick. I told my boss that I don't really need it. I have been in working all year. This year, I got zero sick. I have been in work all the time this year. I have 1 week vacation in summer. Now, I need use 11 paid time off this year. I will use that for November and December.

Oh I forgot... This company use new online work for home work if someone got flu. We are now able to work on our personal computer if SICK only. Also, we can allow to use personal computer if bad winter storm. I would stay home for sure because I don't trust lot of bad drivers.
Posted by: GrindingNemo

Re: H1N1 - 10/18/09 12:28 PM

Yeah, I'm just getting over it. It really sucked, but its not the worst thing I've ever had. Like UMfan said, its a concern because it hits the young more than the old, and it is genetically different than any flu that most of us have ever had.
If you do get it, just treat it at home like the regular flu unless it gets severe (high fever, pneumonia, that sort of thing), and then CALL a health professional (most areas have public health nurses that will come to your house) but DONT go the the hospital (unless the doctor you called said to) because you will just spread the disease.

http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/qa.htm has some good info if your really that curious.

Also I would seriously doubt that the woman mentioned even had a H1N1 vaccine because it was just released and most places don't even have it yet.
Posted by: GTPCompG

Re: H1N1 - 10/19/09 11:46 AM

I just got over H1N1, it was the worst I ever had. The last day i had it i was really dizzy and was coughing bad.
Posted by: UMfan

Re: H1N1 - 11/09/09 05:31 PM

My wife posts on a messageboard, not much different than this one. A woman's husband on that board just died of H1N1 today. He was in his mid 30s with no health problems. He got sick and went to the hospital last week...went into a coma and died today.

Whether it's blown out of proportion or not, it's still scary that perfectly healthy people are dying from this. Yeah, people die from the common flu, but it's normally people who are older or weaker or with other complications.

Back home there was a 45 year old minister who just died from it too...again, he was in good health.

Vaccine or not...play it safe, wash your hands, etc.
Posted by: GTPCompG

Re: H1N1 - 11/09/09 06:46 PM

Break out the hand sanitizers! laugh
Posted by: lonezergling

Re: H1N1 - 11/10/09 12:43 AM

Hand sanitizer is the worst thing you can do.

A virus is incredibly adaptive, that's why they are so deadly. Using hand sanitizers actually makes the virus STRONGER.

Plain old soap, warm water, and good habits are the best defense against getting yourself, and others, sick.
Posted by: 72chevman

Re: H1N1 - 11/10/09 01:00 AM

I am a firm believer in not using anti-bacteria or hand sanitizer crap. IMO it makes your immume system weak as it never has to fight anything.

Bourbon each day, keeps the doctor away.