Steroids for cars!

Posted by: BoostenGTP

Steroids for cars! - 05/20/08 11:38 PM

I couldn't believe it when i seen it lmao.
Posted by: ChiTownHitta90

Re: Steroids for cars! - 05/20/08 11:46 PM

if it sounds to good to be probably is...
Posted by: Dre da GP man

Re: Steroids for cars! - 05/20/08 11:48 PM

no :rolleyes:
Posted by: lonezergling

Re: Steroids for cars! - 05/20/08 11:57 PM

Yeah, cause THAT'S not fake or anything.
Posted by: GTPCompG

Re: Steroids for cars! - 05/21/08 12:12 AM

Even if these pills increase your gas mileage your going to end up paying more in the long run.
Posted by: HercMan(Rob)

Re: Steroids for cars! - 05/21/08 06:42 AM

Stop and think about it. If it was that easy wouldn't the big corporations be incorporating that into their fuel? I mean come on it would be a great marketing tool. Shop at YYY gas station our gas will get you an extra 10mpg. I'm pretty sure people would be lining up at those pumps and by passing station MMM that doesn't use the additive.
Posted by: TastyBake

Re: Steroids for cars! - 05/21/08 01:04 PM

Why is she slapping the camera with them? I like the way you just sit the pill in the neck.

Its created by Fuel Freedom International and is founded by two people. indicates the pills were designed to allow for pre-1973 engines to run on unleaded gas. The gas savings is supposedly based on these cars. Gotcha!!
Posted by: TastyBake

Re: Steroids for cars! - 05/21/08 01:08 PM

Oh, you're gonna love this too.

"Waterless Car Wash

FFI recently added a new product to their range, the "Eco-Sheen" Waterless Car Wash. What is very interesting is that FFI described the product as being "rich in positively charged electrons". To anyone with even a basic level of scientific knowledge, this is just nonsense - electrons are negatively charged..."

So basically, you can wash your car with positrons. You're car will be clean but it will be scattered about the neighborhood and so will you due to the explosion. Not a fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon.