I got into a fender bender sunday past

Posted by: Dre da GP man

I got into a fender bender sunday past - 03/05/09 11:01 AM

Well today I got a call saying the driver of the other car is trying to say he has back pains. I hit the guys car going 5mph if that because he suddenly hit his brakes and I couldn't react in time since we were at a red light. He was going to take is turn and I guess he dicided not to take the turn and thats when I tap him in the far right part of the bumper, no damage but the driver claims his bumper a lil loose.

Do ya'll think going 5mph can give somebody back pains. The funny thing about it is there was a lady iin the back seat and she doesn't have any pain.
Posted by: StreetShaker

Re: I got into a fender bender sunday past - 03/05/09 01:38 PM

ALthough I highly doubt it, thats not to say its impossible. However, it could just be someone looking for some quick cash. OR it could be, dare I say, bad old fashioned racism. <
Posted by: ifitwasnt4u

Re: I got into a fender bender sunday past - 03/05/09 01:55 PM

I say they are trying to get a quick buck... I was rear-ended at 70mph in my truck and had only minor neck pain for a week after, at 5mph, they bearly felt you tap them.

Granted it is possible, but unlikely. Insurance investigators looks into these matters seriously.
Posted by: HercMan(Rob)

Re: I got into a fender bender sunday past - 03/05/09 03:55 PM

Sorry to hear that. I say some one lookin for a quick buck.
Posted by: palsut

Re: I got into a fender bender sunday past - 03/05/09 10:44 PM

It could be. I got rear end for 4 times before. Dumb traffic city. They are mostly under 5 mph.

2 times, I don't feel hurt. Other 2 times, I'm actually do have sore back little bit but nothing serious.

I remember I have really bad accident which it is my fault in March 2001. It was heavy rainy. I thought I was clear and got hit by Honda Civic. This mexican guy is fine. He is standing and laughing like he is good mood. Of course, I'm fine too. In Jan. 2002, he sue me and my dad (since I'm under 18) for $200,000 for injury back. eek :rolleyes: I mean he is 100% fine after accident. Police officer saw him standing fine so he doesn't have chance to win this case. What a moron. I bet he waste his money for lawyer stuff for nothing. lol
Posted by: Dre da GP man

Re: I got into a fender bender sunday past - 03/05/09 11:40 PM

Well the insurance company called me back and they think the spanish guy is trying to get some money so the insurance company is going to offer the guy a couple hundred dollars and see what he says.
Posted by: palsut

Re: I got into a fender bender sunday past - 03/05/09 11:48 PM

Good luck, hopefully, he will accept insurance offer.