Why more popular???

Posted by: Pontiac Dude

Why more popular??? - 06/22/10 10:16 PM

Just wondreing why the 1997-2003 Pontiac
Grand Prixs are more popular than the
newer 2004 and up models??? Ive noticed
the 2004 and newer seem to have less
head-room than the older style.
Any thoughts???
Posted by: GTPCompG

Re: Why more popular??? - 06/22/10 10:56 PM

Explain how they are "more popular"?
Posted by: HercMan(Rob)

Re: Why more popular??? - 06/23/10 08:06 AM

Maybe because the 97-03 was a six year run on the body and the 04+ was only 4.
Posted by: '01 GT

Re: Why more popular??? - 06/23/10 12:48 PM

i think the 97-03's lok far more superior than the 04+ GP's do. All i know is that, when I was in middle school I always said I would own one of the nicest 97-03 Grand Prix's around. I believe I accomplished that goal as well! smile
Posted by: jorgs_7

Re: Why more popular??? - 06/23/10 12:53 PM

Because 04+ dont look good? They just dont look sporty at all.

97-03 just look so much more aggressive, and they dont even have a 2dr version. Even though it is about the sedan revolution cool
Posted by: Pontiac Dude

Re: Why more popular??? - 06/23/10 01:17 PM

I think the 1997-2003s are like the 69 Camaro
in terms of being popular. The 2004 and newer
are more like a 79 Camaro in that regard.
Seems like the 2004s and up dont get any
respect as a front wheel drive car.
Posted by: UMfan

Re: Why more popular??? - 06/23/10 03:15 PM

I also didn't care for the 04+ interior. Yes the seats were nice, but at least in the rental I had, the interior was ALL plastic. I like my 2002 which has leather on the doors and stuff...it seems more "warm" to me. The 2004 seemed sterile.
Posted by: RooK

Re: Why more popular??? - 06/23/10 05:41 PM

The body design of the '97-03 had a really flat, wide profile. It's just more sleek looking. Where as the '04+ had a stubbier European style.
Posted by: GTPCompG

Re: Why more popular??? - 06/23/10 06:42 PM

Get the inferno kit/and or SPO on the 04+ GP's and there will be a sportier look. Take a look at some of the modded up 04+'s at GPONA, there is a nice variety of sporty looking sedans over there crazy

Imo the interior is better in the 04+'s. If you get all the extra goodies (heads up display/tapshift/comp g speedometer w/ widetrack text, etc) it looks a lot better. When I drove the base model 06 GP it was pretty lame on the inside, text was different and the lack of a heads up display sucked.

Overall I think the 04's body style looks better (but then again I own one) and went to the dark side. I do hate the fact that when you go to do basic mods on the 04+'s everything costs more (benefit for all the 97-03's). Dthreap might stand up with me on this...lol.
Posted by: ordonez1307

Re: Why more popular??? - 06/23/10 08:42 PM

The 04's don't look nearly as good as the 97-03's. The interior is much nicer, but I just don't like the exterior styling.
Posted by: AustinGTP

Re: Why more popular??? - 06/23/10 10:55 PM

I think the 97-02 2-door models look sporty and mean.
I'd take an 04+ model, if it came in a 2-door.