Posted by: TexasGP

DONATIONS - 09/02/05 08:51 PM

I'm not sure if any of you have heard of "Light The Night". If not, The Light The Night Walk is The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's nationwide evening walk to raise awareness and funds to cure leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.

We are walking in Temple Texas this year. This will be our second year walking, the previous year was in Waco.

My Wife and I are team captains. We are not walking just for our son, who has been in remission since early this year, but we are walking for a CURE.

We are asking if anyone would like to donate money, it will be appreciated. This is non-profit...100%. AND FULLY TAX DEDUCTABLE.
We have set up a fundraising website on the Light The Night Website....
the address is

On there, you will have to donate by credit card. If you would like to send a check, please make it out to "The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society" and mail it directly to us. If you need my address, please send me a PM.

Our team name is TEAM KOBE and the motto is....Worth Fighting For (Worth is our last name) :p

We are also making team shirts for everyone in our team. Any COMPANY that donates $100 or more, will have their name on the back of the shirt. Any INDIVIDUAL that donates $25-50 (not sure yet) will have their name on the back....

Had an IDEA.....if anyone on wants to PAYPAL the money as a group, I will put on the back of the shirt on top......since everyone here was there to help out our family before. And of course...take pics and post them...... cheers
Posted by: TexasGP

Re: DONATIONS - 09/02/05 08:55 PM

My wife set the goal at $1,000 But I think I'm gonna out do her and try to get $5,000 devilgrin