Get your GP sponsored free???

Posted by: TexasGP

Get your GP sponsored free??? - 08/28/05 10:42 AM

Anyone seen this link before???
Thought it looked pretty good.
I'll leave the reading up to you all....

Posted by: ThunderBat

Re: Get your GP sponsored free??? - 09/01/05 07:32 PM

I've heard of something similar advertised locally...but it was more on the order of if you wanted a new car, the sponsor would paint your car like a rolling billboard and make payment for the first two years...after which they would repaint the car its original color and you would assume payment at that time. I've seen a couple of Hummers and more than a few new beetles done up in various paint schemes.
Posted by: HercMan(Rob)

Re: Get your GP sponsored free??? - 09/01/05 08:07 PM

I looked at it and the thing that get's me is the $89 charge on a credit card. Here's how I see it. You apply and in two days they say you've been accepted to be sponsered but since you are new you get the limited sponsership (a few stickers for your car) At which time you are charged the $89 for the starter kit IE the stickers. I'm sorry but I'm not gonna pay $89 for some stickers for companys that I don't even patronage.

There is another service that if you are accepted they will apply vinyl to your car so you can be a rolling billboard for some company. And in doing so they pay you mileage and a small stipend for your troubles. The vinyl is removable and does not harm the original paint.