Need help with a rude neighbor

Posted by: Dre da GP man

Need help with a rude neighbor - 04/08/08 05:01 AM

Well this has been going on since the first day I move in and its these spanish couple that bangs on the ceiling. (which is my floor I walk on) The floor squeaks as I walk and I think thats why they hit the walls all the time, like if I take a shower, fix something to eat, go on the balcony, etc, they always bangs on the wall. They also slams there front door hard which kinda disturbs me because I work overnight which I sleep during the day. So I decided to bang back by using my brothers sledgehammer but that did not work. But its getting worse and now this lady that lives beside me went to the people down stairs and there trying to double team me now.

So should I get the cops involved, I complained to the rental office and they never did anything.

They also make there car alarms go off as well which really disturbs my sleep.

I can never catch them because of me sleeping during the day, even on weekends I can never catch them, I really don't want to knock on their door but I might have to.

Only reason I didn't really do anything is because Im on probation until May 2, so I can't have people calling the police on me. But something needs to be done before it gets out of hand.

I really need some ideas and ways to go about elimaniting the problem. mad hammer
Posted by: HercMan(Rob)

Re: Need help with a rude neighbor - 04/08/08 06:43 AM


Sounds like they got your goat and anything you do will more then likely keep it going. So best just to find a new place.
Posted by: 4drgt

Re: Need help with a rude neighbor - 04/08/08 07:20 AM

x2 move... were i live now its nothen but parties and i cant stand it because i get up early in the morning and then work the rest of the day, because im a student, i just got sick and tired of music shanking stuff off my walls and the cops not doing anything, so first chance i get im moving to the smallest down i can find
Posted by: zuulmusic

Re: Need help with a rude neighbor - 04/08/08 11:55 AM

Three options I see:
1) move
2) be really nice and exremely quiet and it may stop
3) give them hell. get some subwoofers and always blast music... while you're not home during the day too. I would also build a microwave gun, shoot it through the floor and disable their sensitive electronics. Etc etc
Posted by: ifitwasnt4u

Re: Need help with a rude neighbor - 04/08/08 12:04 PM

I like option 3!!!!

But seriously, Moving is best for this situation.
Posted by: TastyBake

Re: Need help with a rude neighbor - 04/08/08 12:18 PM

The fact that they speak spanish doesn't matter. Noise is noise. Making more noise on your end won't solve the problem. "Hey, he is making more noise than I am. I should stop banging on the walls...".

Also, it will disturb the other neighbors and then they will all blame you. Your defense couldn't be "Your honor, I banged my walls with a sledgehammer to stop the people down stairs from making noise." You want to fix the problem, not battle each other over decibles.

The wall thing sounds intentional but the car alarm thing may not be. They probably just don't care.

This all falls to the rental property's responsibility. If your floors squeak and they make noise, then they should step in instead of just sitting there collecting rent. They should add extra support and talk to you both or put out a memo on all floors.

If they still don't respond, I'd say move as I wouldn't want to stay at a place where the rental company doesn't act accordingly.
Posted by: 20gtp02

Re: Need help with a rude neighbor - 04/08/08 01:30 PM

I could give you a great story, just too much to type now, with our B**** neighbor.
Posted by: 97GrandprixGT

Re: Need help with a rude neighbor - 04/08/08 01:33 PM

4drgt. move to KY, (hart County) mostly old people and cows haha, noone rarely messes with anyone here. enless you steal there sister. haha, that was a joke. but seriously, KY might not be much, but its a laid back state. well it is were i live. think of these lryics when you think of my town.

"I’m the son of a 3rd generation farmer
I’ve been married 10 years to the farmer’s daughter
I’m a God fearin’ hard workin’ combine driver
Hoggin’ up the road on my p-p-p-p-plower
Chug a lug a luggin’ 5 miles an hour
On my International Harvester

Three miles of cars layin’ on their horns
Fallin’ on deaf ears of corn
Lined up behind me like a big parade
Of late to work road raged jerks
Shoutin’ obscene words flippin’ me the bird"

Haha, pretty much it, but on the first to lines, doesnt that mean he married his sister? haha
Posted by: ordonez1307

Re: Need help with a rude neighbor - 04/08/08 01:40 PM

If your lease is up soon just try and wait it out. Not much we can really tell you, good luck with it and try and be polite. You dont want a problem while you are on probation.
Posted by: Dre da GP man

Re: Need help with a rude neighbor - 04/08/08 03:15 PM

Well I thought to myself and said that I need to move but my lease is not up until september because I didn't move here until September of 2007 so I never spent a summer here.

But I had a party saturday and the people down left because of the party noise but on sunday mourning around 8-9am, they turned that spanish music on with all that base.

But Im already doing what Zuul said so when I turn on my sound system in the house, they leave.(I bought 250 watt system that I listen to in the house and use some speakers on it)

Thanks guys for the replies, and Herc I understand what your saying but if I move right now, they going to think Im a punk and I don't want that. I always try to walk on the floors light as I can but that doesn't help at all. I can't even go to the toilet in peace.
Posted by: HercMan(Rob)

Re: Need help with a rude neighbor - 04/08/08 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Dre da GP man:
and Herc I understand what your saying but if I move right now, they going to think Im a punk and I don't want that.
Apparently they already think your a punk and they don't rightly care. They'd probably be pleased if you did move.
Posted by: TastyBake

Re: Need help with a rude neighbor - 04/08/08 04:52 PM

Originally posted by HercMan:
Originally posted by Dre da GP man:
[b] and Herc I understand what your saying but if I move right now, they going to think Im a punk and I don't want that.
Apparently they already think your a punk and they don't rightly care. They'd probably be pleased if you did move. [/b]
Think you're a punk??
Don't worry about what they are thinking about. I'd bet they aren't even thinking about you.

Moving out isn't a punk move. Its controlling your life. Think about it. Once you move out, they are going to get another neighbor that will cause ceiling sqeak. They're stuck. You, on the other hand, will go to some place better and enjoy life and good nights sleep. They will still be complaining and tripping off car alarms. That other neighbor that turned against you will have to content with hearing that over/over again also.

How long have you lived in the apartment?
Posted by: GTPCompG

Re: Need help with a rude neighbor - 04/08/08 05:29 PM

I still think a microwave ray gun is the best answer ^-^ few squeezes of a trigger and all problems solved.
Posted by: 20gtp02

Re: Need help with a rude neighbor - 04/08/08 05:30 PM

We got the cops involved with out neighbor, now the B**** hasn't bothered us in 8 months or better. She thought she could scare us out of the neighborhood. Well no one apparently stood up to her until she met my dad. The cops wanted to cuff her, but my dad said just scare her. And that put BeBe in her place!!!
Posted by: RooK

Re: Need help with a rude neighbor - 04/08/08 05:48 PM

Oh man have I got some stories for you of my sister's fun with neighbors in an apartment.

She had this one girl that lived next to her that started out partying and making noise at night. It only got worse. They had people throwing beer bottle everywhere, urinating outside, doing all kinds of crap. Police got called on them several times. The last straw was when they got drunk and did donuts in the grass with a car in the middle of the night. Wasn't long after that they moved out, but not before destroying the apartment and even breaking one of the windows.

Yeah, I'll never live in an apartment.
Posted by: soulonfire11

Re: Need help with a rude neighbor - 04/08/08 07:55 PM

Well if you can't get a hold of them, try writing them a note and slip it under there door.
Posted by: Dre da GP man

Re: Need help with a rude neighbor - 04/08/08 08:53 PM

Originally posted by GrandPrixGTAlpine:
I still think a microwave ray gun is the best answer ^-^ few squeezes of a trigger and all problems solved.
How do this go, never heard of it.

Well that might be true that they think Im a punk but Im not its just I don't want the police to come because Im on probation, thats the whole problem. Plus my girl is always calling me at work saying they making noise and Im tired of it, personally I wanna beat his a##.
Posted by: 4drgt

Re: Need help with a rude neighbor - 04/08/08 09:04 PM

me 2 ... i would like to make one ... serve my roomates right ... also the noisy people above me lol