21 years from the earthquake

Posted by: Alex

21 years from the earthquake - 09/19/06 01:01 PM

Today is 21 years from a huge earthquake that shake Mexico City, it was like a war here, there are no exact number of diseases but i lost friends and teachers then. Some numbers say there were around 30 thousend dead people.

Did you hear of this there??
Posted by: HercMan(Rob)

Re: 21 years from the earthquake - 09/19/06 04:00 PM

I some what remember it. I was 12 at the time.
Posted by: brown

Re: 21 years from the earthquake - 09/19/06 04:18 PM

I think I've heard of it, but I dont really know much about it since I was -2 at the time.
Posted by: Arcxnus

Re: 21 years from the earthquake - 09/19/06 05:38 PM

I wasn't even born yet!

But I did read about it. Official papers read 4-5 thousand casualties, with something like thirty thousand injured .. Of course, I'm sure any number that can be presented wouldn't be completely correct, so there's absolutely no telling.

I also saw that a majority of the deaths were caused by the subpar construction of newer housing that put residents' safety second to the accomplishment of just COMPLETING said structures .. And that the earthquake caused the founding of an emergency system that will now alert Mexico City of the threat of an earthquake, minutes before it happens.

Apparently they're building another system nearby. It measures movement in the earth's crust underneath the water surrounding Mexico, so if there ever was the possibility of another tragedy, the people of Mexico City will have a better chance of surviving ..

It's sad that such things have to happen before we have a better way of coping with them. frown

What kinds of things does Mexico do to remember this day, Alex?
Posted by: Alex

Re: 21 years from the earthquake - 09/19/06 05:44 PM

Hi Arc!

The flag is at half height, some gov. speeches, and offices, industries and other do some evacuation excersises, anyway, people has forgot what we live then, and doesn't take this stuff seriously, I can tell you that my life is one before and after that day, I use to live in downtown which was the most damaged area, we lost our appartment our car and everything, we slept at the street for some weeks, cause we were so terrified of entering a bulding, of course i was a 13 years old kid an all this affected me a little bit more i think.
Posted by: AustinGTP

Re: 21 years from the earthquake - 09/19/06 06:08 PM

I remember... I was 20.
Posted by: drummerboy1307

Re: 21 years from the earthquake - 09/19/06 08:21 PM

Geez, I feel young. This occured 4 years before I was even born. I've never actually heard about it before today.
Posted by: MULDIVEN

Re: 21 years from the earthquake - 09/19/06 09:35 PM

i was 3 when it happened but i have read about it.
Posted by: BTC13

Re: 21 years from the earthquake - 09/19/06 09:53 PM

I remember hearing about it, I was 23 when it happened and deployed at the time. Back in those days, you didn't get a lot of news when at sea back then. Speaking of earthquakes, there was one in the Gulf of Mexico off the caost of Florida that was supposedly felt here in Jacksonville. Can't say that I felt anything from it.