
Posted by: ifitwasnt4u

rant - 12/19/06 10:23 PM

ok so im just really pissed at this moment... (domestic problems) married/guys who been with someone for awhile know what i mean... just need to rant alil bit....

asdfa sdjlgtkasjdglkajsdrtglkajg lkjg lkasrgtlare lkdjs flaksftg alrkthalkghtraetghaihrgaknfglkahslknsljghalsdnfglaksdfandf asdfasdf asfa sdfsda gtadfrtg aserysaty aergya ertyarghy satyadrgh sdatys gfsy sfrdthgstryh stry asr ey ag asre a rgadsfga r tasrg artaertarg asdfgd ertqertq re

Posted by: Richard Candelario

Re: rant - 12/20/06 10:12 AM

LOL, yep. Holidays spent with a woman ya cant get rid of...better than being single and lonely, though.

Here's one relaxation tip for ya: Imagine your wife having an "arrowhead" on her forehead, and your car having a driver's license in her trunk, then take the "pontiac" for a long "spirited" drive. Makes me feel better about my wife. Good luck.
Posted by: ifitwasnt4u

Re: rant - 12/21/06 10:40 AM

lol, well looks like I may be single through the holidays now frown