Bob Lutz stepping down as well

Posted by: ThunderBat

Bob Lutz stepping down as well - 04/06/09 09:56 AM

While Bob was slated to retire at the end of this year anyhow, he has elected to leave early in an effort to make GMs balance sheet look better. He probably also figures if he doesnt leave before a Govt controlled bankruptcy takes place he may lose out in huge numbers.

I know I have bashed the guy repeatedly over the years since his arrival at GM, mostly due to his adamantly opposing any possible return of the Firebird in any form. However I must admit that he has a long track record of bringing performance cars to market as he did with both Chrysler and GM as well. At this point I only hope his abscence does not sound a death knell for Pontiac as a whole.
Posted by: HercMan(Rob)

Re: Bob Lutz stepping down as well - 04/06/09 10:05 AM

Sounds like he's trying to keep his retirement pay. Wonder what bankruptcy will do to his and Wagoners pension?
Posted by: Richard Candelario

Re: Bob Lutz stepping down as well - 04/06/09 10:06 AM

Let us hope. Kinda nice of him to step down for the better of the company, but by now I can see past the political/press release answers and realize what it is they're really saying.