I need help for a friend in trouble with the law

Posted by: Dre da GP man

I need help for a friend in trouble with the law - 11/27/07 11:01 PM

Well since from 2005- 2007 he has earned himself 18 demerit point off speeding tickets and got a letter from DMV saying he needs to attend a eight hour class before feb 7, 2008 and he just got the letter on the 24 of this month.

Well tonight he just got a ticket for reckless driving because he went straight in a left turning lane and he put a little speed into it so he could get in the straight lane but did not go over the speed limit.(he did not know the lane was for a left turn but he did not explain that to the officer)

On his letter I read, it said he cant get another speeding ticket that results in another demrit point or his license is suspended but this traffic ticket was not a speeding ticket.

So the bottom line is he is own probation from nov 24, 2007 until may something(6months) but will he get his license suspended because of the ticket he got tonight although, he did not know he was in the left turning lane until at the last minute which made him speed up to get in the straight lane. He said the police was in the opposite traffic lane and seen him and he has to got to court on this one.
Posted by: Acefighter

Re: I need help for a friend in trouble with the law - 11/28/07 02:13 AM

Sounds like he needs to just stop breaking the law...maybe having his license taken away will teach him something.

How old is he? Because I'm sick and tired of teenagers driving like maniacs. Regardless of his age, it's because of teenagers who drive like that that I pay outrageous insurance costs, and will until I turn 25. Forget my 21st birthday, my 25th is the one I look forward to. smile
Posted by: Dre da GP man

Re: I need help for a friend in trouble with the law - 11/28/07 02:46 AM

Well ACE I understand what you're saying but he is a good driver, he just makes bad decisions. He was not saying he did not do anything, but the police had him down for reckless driving and he was going the speed limit, its just he went from a left lane turning only and gave it some gas to get over in the right lane because the car was turning and the car behing that one was not trying to let him in and thats why he speed up but he did not know he was in a left turn lane only until it was too late, and again I'm not taking his side but I also think it wasn't right for the cop to give him a reckless driving ticket, instead he should of gave him a ticket like failure to make left turn, etc.

I believe he was not speeding because he said there were 4 cars in front of the cop and the cop did not see him until he went past him and thats when the cop put he lights on and made a u-turn.

But at the end of the day he should of paid attention as to what lane he was in.

But are they different types of reckless driving or its only one which is speeding because I talked to my boss and he said there are different kinds of reckless driving.

My friend and I are the same age, 23.
Posted by: Acefighter

Re: I need help for a friend in trouble with the law - 11/28/07 03:18 AM

Hmm...I'm not really sure if there are different types of reckless driving or not...I've never heard of different types, but that doesn't always mean much. However, don't go just by what your boss says either, because there are a lot of myths about the law.

For example, it's common belief around here that you only have to have a front license plate if their is a spot to put it. However, that's false; you're legally required to have two.

I'm not sure I understand 100% what you're looking for, but check and see if this link helps you at all.
Posted by: Dre da GP man

Re: I need help for a friend in trouble with the law - 11/28/07 03:47 AM

Yep ace, that helps alot, I was searching and searching but could not find anything.
Posted by: Chico

Re: I need help for a friend in trouble with the law - 11/28/07 04:45 AM

If he wants to fight this he needs to retain a good traffic lawyer otherwise he will be getting a break in driving ,seems like he just has bad luck .Chico(pops)
Posted by: HercMan(Rob)

Re: I need help for a friend in trouble with the law - 11/28/07 05:46 AM

I think any points he has taken off will result in suspension.

I don't feel for the guy. He knew he was on thin ice with the liscence. He saw he was in the wrong lane. Knowning he can't afford another ticket he could have easily made the left turn into a parking lot or made a U-turn. If it was an entrance to a freeway well suck up the mistake and go to the next exit.

He's a good driver you say? He may be able to handle a vehicle but with all the citations I'd say he's a poor driver and needs a lesson. Unfortunately I get the feeling he'll take this more as the "man" sticking it to him then the lesson it really is. And liscense or not he'll be on the street. I hope I'm wrong
Posted by: Baas140

Re: I need help for a friend in trouble with the law - 11/28/07 12:12 PM

reckless driving is a moving violation which results in points added to your lisence. iirc, there are different types of reckless driving, but regardless, its a moving violation.

i had my lisence suspended. it sucked, but it taught me to quit driving like a dumb@ss. maybe your friend will learn from this experience, as will his wallet when he gets his insurance bill.

i just read the link that acefighter posted.

If you are convicted of reckless driving and you have other convictions on your record including other reckless or speeding charges, you should seek the services of an attorney as there may be administrative action by the DMV upon your conviction. Also, a person with other traffic offenses and/or a negative point rating of the DMV record are often sentenced more harshly than persons with a positive ratings.

your friend definately needs an attorney. it also talks about how persons being charged with reckless driving should plea bargain. i would have your friend read what ace posted. it looks like he's in quite a bit of trouble.
Posted by: ordonez1307

Re: I need help for a friend in trouble with the law - 11/28/07 05:37 PM

wow. how do you even get that many points?

i dont think he should really be driving. but, thats just me.