This made me so mad!!!

Posted by: 2fast4u

This made me so mad!!! - 05/24/05 09:11 PM

just watch it, youl understand
Posted by: DoberManJT

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 05/24/05 09:21 PM

wow... no just wow...

the worst part is that by having the jackass on their show, even though they tore him a new one, it will only bolster his fame/infamy and spread his message
Posted by: AustinGTP

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 05/24/05 09:37 PM

What a moron...
Posted by: RyanJ

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 05/25/05 04:19 AM

What a..

[Trying to think of an apropriate thing to call him]
scurvy bastard...

...well I think we all can agree that this guy has some serious issues.
Posted by: BryantGTP

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 05/25/05 06:44 AM

I heard about the site on a talk show I listen to, but I didn't know that Hannity had him on.
Posted by: HercMan(Rob)

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 05/25/05 07:02 AM

I can't say how I feel about that guy on here without getting in trouble.
Posted by: 4rsssfed_grandprix98

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 05/25/05 08:16 AM

I would bet that not too many people like him in this country, he should probably think about hiring personal protection for the rest of his life, I know a few soldiers who might have a few words to say to him
Posted by: Canadian GTP

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 05/25/05 10:06 AM

Well going on T.V. was potentially a large mistake. He's now recognizable on the streets...


But he has what's coming to him...
Posted by: framos242

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 05/25/05 11:12 AM

Can I swear in Spanish so that I won't be in trouble???? wink

Cuz I would kick his a@#!!! I bet some vets would would want to as well. No good ugly looking wanna be @#$%^~!!!!!
Posted by: AustinGTP

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 05/25/05 12:14 PM

I thought it was kind of funny. This moron goes on a national cable news show and gets ripped a new one from the get go. I don't watch that news show, but the first guy, the one that looks like Nathan Lane, he dives in on him from the very start.
"Are you aware it's because of these brave men and women who protect your right to be an idiot?"

I was laughing more than hating when I watched it.
Posted by: framos242

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 05/25/05 12:40 PM

Yeah, it just that it pisses me off when idiots talk trash. They're just out for attention (wah!!!) the wrong way.
Posted by: 01redfireGTP

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 05/25/05 04:28 PM

Originally posted by 4rsssfed_grandprix98:
I would bet that not too many people like him in this country, he should probably think about hiring personal protection for the rest of his life, I know a few soldiers who might have a few words to say to him
I agree...I know a few soldiers who would do more than just talk to him... hammer
Posted by: BryantGTP

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 05/26/05 06:32 AM

Originally posted by 4rsssfed_grandprix98:
I would bet that not too many people like him in this country, he should probably think about hiring personal protection for the rest of his life, I know a few soldiers who might have a few words to say to him
This kid is a hero to a portion of the military-hating liberals in this country.
Posted by: Alex

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 05/27/05 07:06 PM

I don't want to be misunderstood, but saying that some soldiers would like to do more than talk to him, is not a contradiction?

American soldiers are dying to protect his liberty of saying whatever he likes or want, and now they will be the ones that shouts his mouth, because he felt the freedom to express him self???
Is my idea clear??

I'm not defending him ok??
Posted by: AustinGTP

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 05/27/05 08:20 PM

Alex, you make a very good point.
Posted by: BryantGTP

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 05/28/05 12:39 AM

Alex, you are correct. But freedom of speech comes with the chance of offending someone. If I tell a soldier that his mother's a whore, then I am expressing my free speech, but the soldier can also get pissed because I am insulting him.

Exercising the right to free speech doesn't mean that the person who is being talked about has to agree and accept the charge.
Posted by: Alex

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 05/30/05 12:42 PM

Ok, Bryan i understand, since i do not catch the whole speech cause my english, i don't know exactly how offensive could his words become.

Anyway, i know too that is difficult to me as a mexican, with another vision of what international relationships are, to understand what you feel about your military force.
Posted by: HercMan(Rob)

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 05/30/05 01:44 PM

Basically he called me an ignorant fool who is way over paid and over compensated. The hosts tried to get him to understand that if it wasn't for myself and everyone else in uniform that sacrifice our lives for him. He is just an idiot trying to make a name for himself at others expense. His beef is with the government yet he attacks those that guarantee his freedoms. You could tell by the way he answered the questions that he is uneducated and arguing just for arguments sake. What a friggin loser!!!
Posted by: Alex

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 05/30/05 03:46 PM

Ok, i know your feelings Herc, it must be difficult to live the way you do, when you left your wife and kidds to go to a place where nobody knows if you are coming back, and find this kind of people with this arguments. However i think he was in disadvantage against this hosts, they are people use to cameras, and media experts, so he was going to see as an idiot anyway, and besides it could see this poor guy is not to brilliant...hope peole don't hurt him, or do something worse, it is not a solution.
Posted by: GTPJack

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 06/04/05 02:48 PM

I wish I had caught this topic when it was hot. I'm an Active Duty Soldier SFC/E-7 in the Army. I came across people like this when I was a recruiter, and thanks to some of my fellow Soldiers, I was held back from opening up a can of whoop ass on a few. Trust me though, when i had them ready to pee themselves.

I seriously would have slapped him on TV just to degrade him and dare him to do something about it. That little creep should pack his bags, and move out of this country.

Posted by: HercMan(Rob)

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 06/04/05 02:52 PM

Ohh by the way. This guy was acting the whole time. He pulled the wool over Fox's eyes with this one. He did it to make fun of how stupid the far left can be.
Posted by: BTC13

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 06/04/05 06:25 PM

So I'm a dumbass for doing 22 years in the Navy and was overpaid the whole time. Would have fooled me. Personnally I wish more people with this attitude would get primetime national coverage. Trust me, those with viewpoints like his are hard to find and those that will go on tv even harder. When they do get national attention, it does nothing but piss off true Americans and hurt any progress the far left would like to gain. Personnally, I'm a middle of the roader, the far extreme on each side are very dangerous. I'd really like to kick his ass, but Jane Fonda is number 1 on that list.
Posted by: HercMan(Rob)

Re: This made me so mad!!! - 06/05/05 08:55 AM

By the way his website only lasted about 11 hours. Then he had his friends get on some blogs and post that some one in uniform tracked him down and killed him. How's that for a publicity hound. Like I was saying he was making fun of the far left and I think it back fired on him. He is now there "Poster Child"