Paul Newman, actor who personified cool, dies

Posted by: Blackarrow98GP

Paul Newman, actor who personified cool, dies - 09/27/08 12:35 PM

One of my favorite actors has passed on:
Posted by: Richard Candelario

Re: Paul Newman, actor who personified cool, dies - 09/27/08 12:43 PM

He also voiced Hudson Hornet on Cars. RIP.
Posted by: TastyBake

Re: Paul Newman, actor who personified cool, dies - 09/27/08 02:39 PM


I'm glad he lived this long.
Posted by: ThunderBat

Re: Paul Newman, actor who personified cool, dies - 09/27/08 08:34 PM

I am truly saddened by Paul Newman's passing...I had the pleasure of seeing several interviews with him where he spoke at length about his passion for cars. I was also incredibly impressed by the fact that he was still driving racing cars well into his 70s. I also understand he was a major reason for the renovation of Virginia International Raceway outside Danville VA which he described as "a gorgeous ribbon of road in the countryside"...I would have to agree with him as did the track proprietors who I had the pleasure of speaking with personally on one occasion. They remembered Mr Newman well and spoke proudly about his prowess in the cockpit.

He was truly a rare breed and a class act...he shall be sorely missed.
Posted by: palsut

Re: Paul Newman, actor who personified cool, dies - 09/28/08 01:19 PM

I never knew him but I didn't know he play as Hudson Hornet in Cars movie. Now, Cars 2 will be in 2010 or 2011 I don't remember. I guess they will dump Hudson Hornet or find other actor either.