How well does this work

Posted by: Hansen23

How well does this work - 11/29/09 04:24 PM

I got a Cobra ESD 8200 from best buy the other day for $59.99. Does Anyone know how good it is st picking up the cops radar?
Posted by: 72chevman

Re: How well does this work - 11/29/09 07:21 PM

Radar detectors only work if the officers are actively running radar at cars in front of you. If you are the only one on the road or if they are using Laser, by the time your detector goes off, just hit the brakes and pull over.
Posted by: HercMan(Rob)

Re: How well does this work - 11/29/09 07:36 PM

On my route to work and home that thing would go crazy. On my 13 mile run I see at least two cars a day parked shooting radar. The other day the Fort Worth Sherrifs dept had four or five guys on an over pass with a radar gun.

Personally I find RADAR detectors a waste of money. 99.5% of the time if you stay under 8 mph over the limit or with the flow of traffic you won't be stopped. And remember they don't need radar to know you are speeding.

You know those little lines in the road. They are set distance and a quick timing as you pass a few of em gets the observer pretty close to what your speed is.