My 07 Grand prix Base NA

Posted by: USMCGP

My 07 Grand prix Base NA - 09/23/10 12:00 AM

Hi I'm new to this site and want to say first of all hi and thank you for having me on this site laugh

well second my car has been jerking lately like when i start going its like this: engine starts running and makes noise, then the tires start spinning and jerks and sometimes skids and makes the noise of burning rubber but just a little tiny one but the car jerks like lots of times when i accelerate. whats wrong? i though the transmission fluid was low but the auto-zone guy said its good and that i should take it to a shop to check it out like Aamco. any of you guys know wahts wrong?

Thanks again for having me here and look forward to getting to no my car and making friends thumbsup