Any other Asians on here?

Posted by: Chew

Any other Asians on here? - 10/17/03 10:15 AM

Please read this (non-gp related) and let me know what you think.
Posted by: Marc Harbison

Re: Any other Asians on here? - 10/17/03 11:27 PM

That's so wrong...
Posted by: jvojr

Re: Any other Asians on here? - 10/18/03 08:44 AM

You know what? I'm glad there isn't a giant asian backlask for that woman's comments. I'm sick of the whole country getting bent out of shape the minute a white person has an opinion about something, no matter how ignorant it sounds. Do not trust the press. They make livings out of sensationalizaing, mis-quoting, and taking quotes out of context. It's their job to make you frenzied with emotion to keep you reading or watching or listening. When that baseball coach was saying that black and latino athletes handle the hot wheather better than whites, did he loose his job? Everyone needs to chill out.
Posted by: Chew

Re: Any other Asians on here? - 10/20/03 02:40 PM

Let me guess ... you're white! :rolleyes:

What these people need to learn to do is figure out when to SHUT THE HELL UP! If these pros / commentators could keep their stupid traps shut, think what they want to think, but not say it out loud - there wouldn't be any problems.

It's not the press's fault for reporting it - it's the person's fault for opening their mouth and letting it out.

I don't excuse ignorance ... I try to correct it.

BTW if you haven't figured it out by now I'm Asian.
Posted by: BryantGTP

Re: Any other Asians on here? - 10/20/03 03:47 PM

I'll agree that some people do need to shut the hell up. Look Rush Limbaugh, he spoke out against a black and now he's pinned for having hundreds of oxycontin. At least he knew how to cover up his racial remarks. Fucking hipocryte.

This summer I went down to Cape Cod with my girlfriend for a couple nights. We were in this cool store that didn't really have a specific theme, just all sorts of fun little stuff. They had books that were hollowed out that you could keep stuff in, crap like that. I grabbed something I was gonna buy for my brother and we were still kinda looking around the store when we heard the owner, who we had been talking with, discussing politics with another customer. She was saying how she's part of this group that hates Bush and thinks the government is all wrong and on and on and on. I look at my girlfriend, we both put down whatever we were gonna get and walk out. The lady who worked there didn't have a clue why. That lady lost customers and sometime I wish these celebrities could lose similar valuables.

Posted by: jvojr

Re: Any other Asians on here? - 10/21/03 11:49 AM

Chew, First of all I look at you, as well as everyone in this group, as a Grand Prix enthusiast, not as an ethnicity. Frankly I don't think anyone cares what anyone else's ethnicity is or isn't in And what I am about to say may offend you but I hope it does not.
The mayor of Philadelphia was quoted as saying the "brothers and sisters are in charge". He was refering to the gov't of Philly. He doesn't consider himself the mayor of Philly, he considers himself Philly's "black" mayor. There is the Black Entertainment Television, United Negro College Fund, National Association for the advancement of Colored People(NAACP), National Association of Black Journalists(NABJ), National Black Media Coalition(NBMC), National Black Nurses Association(NBNA), And the list goes on and on. White people have no "white" organizations. If there was it would be called racsist. I'm not saying that I wish there were white organizations. Groups and organizations that center around the color of your skin, as well as religion, serve to seperate people and not unite them. Meanwhile, whites are demonized in America. White people are called white devils. White women are called white bitches and white trash. Men are called "white boys" and crackers. Whites have no rhythm, can't dance, are portrayed as bumbling idiots on tv while black people are called "proud black man",and "strong black woman". White people actually apologize for being "so white". What is going on in America is a huge double standard, perpetuated by the people that would have you believe that they want racial equality. Beware the race rights activists. If the truth were known by all, then they would be out of a job. The truth is that differences in skin color have never been less of a factor in determining the success of individuals in America than ever before. This is the truth that we must teach our children. If you work hard at your dream, you can make it happen.
People say some dumb things. Stupidity has no color or religion. America has this freedom of speech thing. You are allowed to have opinions. Many opinions are offensive and would be best left unsaid but as long as people have mouths, there will be opinions. Opinions are not in themselves dangerous. They open discussion and debate. I can go on but this is getting long. You can probobly tell that I have strong feelings about this topic, but my main point here is you're not an Asian Grand Prix enthusiast, you are a Grand Prix enthusist. So am I and so are 1600 others in this group. We are united, not by our race but by our common interests. Take care my friend.
Posted by: Chew

Re: Any other Asians on here? - 10/22/03 08:48 PM

/verbosity warning

I think you're missing my point. I made no mention of Blacks and I do not mean to reference them in this post. I'm Asian and I posted about Asians - not Blacks, Hispanics, Eskimos or Native Americans.

Contrary to what you may think, I am not one of those liberal leftist hippies - I am against racial quotas of all kinds. I am a firm believer in competitive admissions.

For example, if you look at the empirical data (aptitude tests, entrance exams and such), the only minority sub-group that regularly scores on par with Caucasians are Asians.

But Do you ever hear Jesse Jackson mention Asians when he refers to minorities? No. He only speaks for the Blacks ... and when its politically expedient, the Hispanics.

What my point was and of the article is - is that when someone takes a cheap shot at Blacks (and to a lesser extent Hispanics) there's hell to pay. BUT - take a cheap shot at Asians ... and nothing happens. You see white people dress in makeup and mock Asians (stupid ass beatch on MAD TV) - but do they have enough balls to dress up in black-face and mock Blacks? No.

Yes, I am a GPer and I'm glad to know so are you. If this post sparked even a moment of consideration of race on your part or on the part of anyone who reads it - then I have done my job.