NOTE: FOR ALL ITEMS, PLEASE BE COMPLETE AND USE GOOD GRAMMAR AND SPELLING. Make these as professional as possible. Don't worry about how this page looks when you get done, I'll make sure it looks presentable. Just make sure to include all info. both here and below. If you have questions or suggestions, please e-mail

A brief description of the mod. Include why someone would want to do this upgrade as well as performance gains and other benefits of doing it. Also include negatives, if you can think of any that would be important for someone to consider when deciding whether to do this to his or her car or not.

  • What parts do you need and how much can you expect them to cost in US or Canadian dollars? (Include ALL parts no matter how big or small)
  • Where can these parts be obtained from? Contact information if mail order or bought off the 'net?
  • How long will the upgrade take based on the user's experience level? (i.e. for a beginner, expect 1 hour, for advanced car buffs, 10 minutes)
  • What tools are neccessary to complete the mod? (leave NOTHING out; mention every screw driver, nut, and bolt, and be as specific as possible; don't forget things like an oil pan or a jack)
  • Step by step directions on performing the upgrade go here (again, leave NOTHING out; make it obvious how to do each and every step)
  • A checklist of things to check before trying out the mod. for the first time
  • How do I check to see if my upgrade was successful?
  • Include any pictures you may have
  • Author of this upgrade
  • E-mail Address
  • Will you answer questions on this upgrade? Questions and answers should be sent to Brian so the upgrade can be updated with the new information